The Meaning Behind ACME Threads

The word “acme” is typically used by someone trying to describe something that is perfect. In fact, the definition of the word acme is “something or someone that represents perfection of the thing expressed.” While that’s not necessarily how ACME screw threads got their name, it’s easy to see why many people who use them will refer to ACME threads as perfection.

ACME threads were first invented back in the late 1890s. They were originally intended to replace square screw threads, and although they didn’t end up doing that, they are now used for a wide range of different applications. But despite their prominence, there is still some confusion about what ACME threads are and how exactly they differ from other threads. The truth is, it’s not all that difficult to tell them apart from the other threads available at this time.

There are several different types of ACME threads. One is called general purpose ACME. Another is called centralizing ACME. And the third is called Stub ACME. Each of them vary slightly, but they share similar characteristics at their core. ACME threads have 29-degree included angles. They are also considered to be bilateral transverse motion screw threads. They are easily machined and bring a high level of strength to any application. Additionally, the are widely utilized for feed and adjusting screws.

You will find ACME threads in many walks of life these days. Longer ACME threads are used for machining tools, jacks, conveyors, and more. Meanwhile, shorter ACME threads can be found on everything from valve stems and hose connectors to steering mechanisms and even camera lenses.

If you would like to learn more about ACME threads and how they could potentially benefit you and your company, Dependable ACME Threaded Products would love to speak with you about them. Call us at 800-893-3792 today for additional information.

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