Threaded rods have gained a faithful following over the years in a variety of different industries. Those in the construction world, in particular, have turned to threaded rods early and often when fastening things together as part of their projects. Threaded rods come in many sizes and are available in both right-hand and left-hand thread patterns. There are also threaded rods made using everything from steel and titanium to copper and bronze. Here is some additional information about the two main types of threaded rods.
Fully Threaded Rods
Fully threaded rods are, as their name would suggest, threaded from one end to the other. They’re the preferred type of threaded rods for those who are looking to add grip strength when fastening objects together. They’re also the most popular type of threaded rods for those who are concerned about loosening resistance. You can find fully threaded rods with almost any thread size you want depending on what you plan on using them for.
Partially Threaded Rods
While fully threaded rods have threads that extend from top to bottom, partially threaded rods only have a portion of the rods covered with threads. The threads start at the bottom of the rods and work their way up until they stop and leave a part of the rods with no threads on them. The area of partially threaded rods that isn’t covered with threads is often referred to as the grip length. Partially threaded rods are ideal for those who need rods that can provide either shear strength or alignment.
Understanding the differences between fully threaded rods and partially threaded rods should help you determine which rods would work best for your next project. If you need a hand picking out the right threaded rods, Dependable ACME Threaded Products can help you purchase them. Call us at 800-893-3792 today to order ACME threaded rods, screws, nuts, and more.
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