If you’ve ever used screws to fasten two things together, there’s a pretty good chance that those screws were ACME screws. ACME screws were first developed more than a century ago and have become extremely popular in industrial settings. There are actually a number of different ACME fasteners, including ACME threaded rods and ACME nuts; nevertheless, ACME screws are known for being significantly stronger than standard fasteners because of the wider threads on them.
Types of ACME Screws
To the naked eye, you might confuse one ACME screw for another. However, there are three standard forms of ACME screws on the market today, including general purpose ACME screws, centralizing ACME screws, and stub ACME screws. Depending on what you need to use ACME screws for, you will likely want to choose one form of ACME screws over the others.
Materials Used
There are several materials that are used to manufacture ACME screws. Stainless steel is probably the most common material found in ACME screws. But there are also ACME screws made out of different alloys. The dynamic load capacity for ACME screws changes depending on what materials are used to make them.
Selecting the Right ACME Screws
Those using ACME screws for construction purposes need to keep a few factors in mind before installing them. Critical speed and pitch diameters are a couple of the most important factors that will need to be considered. It’ll ensure that ACME screws are able to do their jobs once they’re securely in place.
Are you in need of ACME screws at the moment? Dependable ACME Threaded Products can provide you with ACME screws in a variety of different diameters and pitches. Call us at 800-893-3792 today to get your hands on ACME screws and other ACME fasteners.
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